Articles by Logan Allec, CPA
Offer in Compromise Success Stories
Although the IRS rejects the majority of offer in compromise submissions it receives, we’ve…
5 Biggest Depreciation Mistakes Landlords Make on Their Tax Return
Here at Choice Tax Relief, landlords have increasingly become some of our most popular…
What Is an Installment Agreement? All About IRS Payment Plans
Today I’m talking about installment agreements. I’m going to go over what you need…
IRS Statute of Limitations: How Far Back Can the IRS Go?
Over 10 million Americans owe back taxes to the IRS — but do they…
IRS Notice CP14: What It Is and How to Respond
IRS Notice CP14 is a Notice of Tax Due and Demand for Payment. It…
Can the IRS Take Money Out of Your Bank Account? Bank Levies Explained!
The IRS can take money out of your bank account if you owe it…
What If One Spouse Owes Taxes But the Other Spouse Doesn’t?
Here at Choice Tax Relief we have a lot of clients that racked up…
Can You Get a Passport If You Owe Taxes?
Can you get a passport if you owe taxes? The answer is yes, you…
IRS Letter LT38: What It Is and How to Respond
IRS Letter LT38 is the 2024 Reminder of Notice Resumption that the IRS’s Automated…
If the IRS Accepts an Offer in Compromise, Is the Amount Forgiven Taxable?
If the IRS accepts an offer in compromise for a tax debt, is the…
IRS Notice CP22E: What It Is and What To Do
IRS Notice CP22E is the Notice of Examination Adjustments that the IRS sends when…
What Happens If You Don’t File Taxes?
Every day I talk to people who haven’t filed their taxes — sometimes for…